Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New "Preacher"

So, the university campus on which I work has a few individuals that like to come stand outside of the student union and "preach" to anyone who will pay attention (and sometimes degrading those who walk by without giving their attention). There is one person in particular who is a regular, and whom becomes somewhat of a sideshow as students gather around to hear some of the ridiculous twisting of scripture he spews.

Today, there is a new "preacher," one I've never seen or heard before. So far, in the 15 minutes I've listened to him, he hasn't wondered from scripture, which is good. However, I can't help but wonder (based on what he has been sharing) if he (like many such "preachers") does not do what he does so much out of hearing a calling from God, and having a love for the students, as he does to somehow "sure up" his salvation. In other words, he preaches not for God, or for the sake of those whom might here, but for himself, reasoning that by doing so he is fulfilling some directive of God and putting himself in better standing.

Such "preaching" does not benefit the kingdom of God, or glorify God, but rather distracts and bears false witness.

This time he had to cease, because the campus police came and apparently he does not have the proper permission. But I'll have to pay close attention when and if he returns.

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